
The situation of stray dogs in Mauritius is alarming, and our goal is to increase our capacity to take in more dogs, in order to offer a better life to as many of them as possible.

We currently have over 130 dogs.

The costs are very high, which is why we are appealing to your generosity.

Sponsor a dog, the shelter, or become a Guardian Angel.

By sponsoring a dog or the shelter, you automatically become a member of the association. The contribution is at least CHF 15 (15 euros) per month.

You will receive regular updates in our WhatsApp group “Famille Indie.”


Sponsor the


By sponsoring the shelter, you contribute to the rescue and well-being of over 130 dogs. Donations from shelter sponsors help cover many expenses.

Sponsor a


When you fall for a particular dog, sponsorship is the perfect solution. Donations made by dog sponsors cover various expenses.

If the sponsored dog is adopted, you will automatically become a sponsor of the shelter. If you wish to stop your contribution, please let us know.

Become a

Guardian Angel

You enable us to save a dog in serious difficulty, such as from a car accident, severe abuse, or a serious illness. Veterinary costs are extremely high due to sometimes multiple surgeries or intensive treatments. Guardian Angels often come together to support a single dog, depending on the severity of the situation. You will be called upon for the duration of the emergency care, which can range from 1 to 3 months.

However, we advise sensitive souls to think carefully before becoming a Guardian Angel, as the rescued dogs may not survive. For monitoring dogs in serious difficulties, we will have a WhatsApp group named after the dog with all the involved parties, and you will receive updates very regularly.